Sunday, May 16, 2010

Fundraising update and HELP needed!

Hello all!
The dance last weekend was a great sucess, we made $1035.00 from dance admission and concessions!! Thanks kids for coming and thanks parents for helping making it a success!

MONEY!!! From all of our fundraisers we have made $4560.00, we have spent $1750 (mavericks deposit, renting White building, concessions, figeros fundraisier, purchase of hats ) Which leaves 2817.00 - Here is what we have allocated

Mavericks $1000.00
BBQ lunch at Mavericks 450.00
Bus ride to mavericks 225.00 (still putting together the actual amount!)
Mailing of permission slips 25.00
DJ for Dance 250.00
Food for dance 100.00
Decorations for dance 100.00

this leaves a little over $650.00 to cover presents and other expenses. We will try and get one more meeting in to discuss this and discuss details of the dance and mavericks. If there is money left, I understand it follows the kids to high school. They can always vote to donate it or if anyone else has ideas, let us know!

HELP!! There is still the raffle hanging out there as well. Some tickets have been sold but I dont know who has them. If anyone is willing to take that on and distribute tickets to sell or something, please step forward. I can not take that on before the end of the year. Colleen has generously donated the picture books but I dont know where we are at on tickets and sales. Teri? Stella? Colleen? Karen? Anyone? We don't need the money to pay for Mavericks but I hate to leave it hanging!!

OTHER STUFF!! Pat Stone graciously worked with the local sign carver and he took in the old LPMS sign and refurbished it for no cost. Terry Foster has put some sealant on them and they look great!
HELP!! I need someone willing to take on the presentation of the sign to the school. The sign needs to be rehung ( I have the hardware) and the presented to the school from the 8th graders either on June 16th before the kids leave for Mavericks or before that if you have a plan. Please contact me and we can work out the handoff! (Terry wants them out of his shop sooner than later) .

Thanks again to the great group of parents that have worked all year to make this possible! What a great group to work with!
Call if you have questions
Angie 541-876-1002
Karen 541-815-3038

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